
Our Legal Practice Areas:

Employment and Labour Law

Scher Law and Hugh Scher are Canadian leaders in employment and labour law. Scher Law is regularly called upon to advise senior executives, managers, technology workers, human resource professionals, disabled and injured workers on a wide variety of labour..

Human Rights Law

Human rights laws prohibit discrimination and harassment based on certain characteristics in certain situations. These characteristics include race, colour, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital and family..


Administrative tribunals have replaced the courts as the most common forum for citizens and organizations to seek justice and vindicate their rights. Labour boards, arbitration boards, human rights commissions, pension commissions, commissions of inquiry..


Constitutional law involves cases in two areas: civil liberties (the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) and division of powers (whether the provincial or federal government is responsible). Sometimes governments pass laws or act in a manner that may,

Disability Law

After paying your premiums religiously for months if not years, you believed that you could count on your Long Term Disability, life or critical illness policy in the event that you were unable to work because of illness or disability.

Health Law

Scher Law is also widely recognized as a leader in End-of-Life cases and has assisted numerous families and individuals to secure just access to health care and to fair treatment by hospitals and doctors.Disputes sometimes arise between doctors


Every child has a right to an education. That right means more than just attending school every day. It means having the material presented in a way that allows the child to learn. It also means that every child should be free from harassment..


Family and estate law issues are often complex, emotional and contentious and may involve not just the interests of the parties, but of their children, extended family members, family businesses and financial assets.

Personal Injury

There are almost as many varieties of personal injury lawsuits as there are forms of personal injury, and Scher Law’s lawyers are prepared to represent Plaintiffs and uninsured Defendants whatever the nature of the injury or accident.

Civil Litigation

Litigation and assisting clients in pursuing or resolving lawsuits is at the heart of our practice.We are committed to working with our clients to identify their goals and develop a winning strategy in order to achieve the best outcome possible.


For professionals, including lawyers, educators, health care professionals and their associations, the relationship with their governing college is crucial. Increasingly, professionals find themselves at the centre of complaints…..