“Workplace culture” doesn’t end to exist when your employees are working distantly. If anything, it happens to even more important to make sure that remote staff feels like part of the community. By building and looking after a remote workplace culture, you’ll make sure that the workers feel connected with one another and invested in the company. While there might not be food to share in the break room every week, there is no need to ignore a colleague’s birthday or anniversary if it is an occasion you would have usually celebrated at the office.
There are various technological tools to assist in promoting connectivity, from Google Chat to Zoom meetings to old fashioned conference calls. Apart from formal meetings, employers are advised to stay connected with their remote staff and to encourage them to stay in touch with each other and with their colleagues back at the office.
Even though there are even tools with which you can keep an eye on the staff’s workflow, however, these may not be required when staff feels connected. Workers who feel like valued members of a team will work, and they’ll most likely work more creatively and efficiently, recognizing the advantages of working distantly. Even in the office, looking over the staff’s shoulders doesn’t tend to be an effective approach to enhance output, and it certainly does nothing for morale.
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